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Young Adult Resources

Mindfulness For Teens
Powerful skills to help you handle stress one moment at a time. Includes youth stories and guided meditations, as well as book and app recommendations. 
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White Flag is a free and anonymous app that connects you to peers based on your similarities and peers facing the same mental health challenges that you do. White Flag is a safe, anonymous way to connect with peers that understand how you are feeling and what you may be going through.

Cereal For Dinner

Cereal For Dinner is a collection of practical, realistic resources for living with clinical depression, created by people living with depression, for people living with depression. Cereal for Dinner resources were created to meet you where you’re at right now, not where you “should” be. They were designed to support you with 1. coping with depression day-to-day and 2. taking attainable steps toward wellness, when you’re ready

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